
Showing posts from September, 2011

General Family Update

It has been almost 7 months since I last posted an update. WOW! I can't believe it has been that long...which translates into quite a lengthy update. I will consolidate by giving the main highlights. If you want more details (and many of you just may), you know where to find me! :-) LOCATION We officially moved to Jacksonville, FL on March 26th, 2011. By we, I mean Levi, my mother and father, and me. We stayed in a furnished, corporate apartment for 3 months while I built a new home for us all to move into. We then moved into the new house on July 1st, 2011. LEVI Levi started pre-school and soccer last week. He is enjoying school but still looking for some new friends. We don't have any neighbors around our house, so he has only had a short amount of time to get to know anyone his age. I'll keep everyone posted but the only name he knows from school besides his teacher is a little girl named, Katy. Go figure! That kid is already going to be a ladies man... KEVIN Fo...