Founding Fathers of Steph's Fan Club

You should have seen Steph when she was reading the email and looking through the pictures that were sent to her yesterday. It was a great thing to do and Stephanie was truly touched and overcome with emotion. The first picture is Tom. He used to work with Steph. The second is Steph's boss Kelly and his son Dane. She is always talking about how much she loves Dano! (Sorry Kelly, she doesn't have exactly the same level of affection for you!) The last picture on the left is Nelson and Lisa. Stephanie has working with Nelson for the last nine years. I know these are four guys that Steph has really enjoyed having as part of her life. I for one am glad that when she is not around me, she can be surrounded by such great people! This Thursday is Steph's next treatment. The first one was a little tougher than expected so we are not looking forward to the next one at all. I guess we are in that we will then be able to say, two down and four to go. Steph was just looking at the ti...