Founding Fathers of Steph's Fan Club

This Thursday is Steph's next treatment. The first one was a little tougher than expected so we are not looking forward to the next one at all. I guess we are in that we will then be able to say, two down and four to go. Steph was just looking at the timeframe for the next few. It appears to be very good timing. The next treatment will fall just after Memorial weekend and then just after July 4th and then just after her birthday. That means that she will probably feel her best for these holidays (including her birthday which is a holiday I celebrate).
NEXT STEP: BRAC Test has to be redone due to some insurance issues. #2 chemo treatment is Thursday, May 10th.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray that the BRAC Test results come back quickly and with good news. Also, Stephanie is coming up on her first Mother's Day with Levi outside the womb. I made travel arrangements well in advance and did not realize what that Sunday was. I leave town first thing Sunday morning. :-( Please pray that she not only feels good on Mother's Day, but also pray that she has a good Mother's Day!!!
Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. We can't even begin to explain how much it means to us.
Steph you've already been bald once in your life and you were a truly beautiful baby, I can't imagine you NOT being a beautiful bald woman!
And, again, thanks Kevin for being such a great guy.
aunt laura