January 2012 Update

I know it has been quite a while since my last update. In fact, there has been more covered since my last post that I could even begin to address in a single post. Hopefully, most of the readers are now on Facebook and have seen all the updates.

In the event you have not seen it, I would like to say, you are missing out on some good stuff! Namely, I got married on January 21st of this year to Jessica Givens. All you really need to know is that God placed her in my life with perfect timing that only He is capable of. I can't explain everything that points to that conclusion, but I know with everything in me, that is exactly what has happened!

If you are wondering how Levi is adjusting, I can say without hesitation, don't worry about him. He has fallen in love with Jessica just like I have. And, she has fallen in love with the "Bush boys" as well. We have become one happy family unit. :-)

Levi starts Kindergarten this fall. His school is right next to our house. We have him spending a couple days a week with a tutor to make sure he is ready. He is growing like a weed and starts his second season of soccer in about a month.

Finally, we are having a wedding reception in Jacksonville on April 6th on the beach for those interested in attending. It is going to be a great celebration, for real! More to come later!!!!
