
Wow, I know all of you are going to find this hard to believe but I'm having a sleepless night and I know so many of you are begging for an update on me.  Yes, it's Steph finally writing this time!  Let me first start by saying how incredibly blessed we are to have so many friends, family and followers that are praying for us and care so much about us.  God has truly placed so many incredible people in our lives.

I won't lie and say this hasn't been a trying few weeks.  Since the result of my PETscan, we have been on our knees as always begging God for His wisdom and discernment and most of all, believing Him for a total healing.  We're not just praying for one but BELIEVING in His mighty healing power.  He is still in the miracle business! 

The weeks have been full, and I mean every day of appointments and or treatments.  We decided to take on a holistic approach since chemo and radiation certainly haven't been the answer in the past.  Why put my body through such toxic stress for something that hasn't been a proven fighter yet?  We have spent lots of time with various doctors, many different opinions and protocols.  So much, at times it's truly overwhelming. 

We made a decision to go back and visit with an oncologist that we visited once last year in the midst of my chemo under the supervision of another oncologist.  This particular oncologist was referred by a friend who's mother was going through a battle with lung cancer.  He supports the holistic approach so we thought last summer we should see this doctor and make sure the holistic approach we were taking last summer in addition to chemo was the right path.  At the time, I wasn't overly impressed with the initial visit although Kevin was.  He preached diet/nutrition and exercise.  This doctor is from South America and is a big believer that the diets most Americans consume is the root cause of this ugly disease.  Everything is overly processed with added chemicals, pesticides, hormones, etc.  The main goal for me to see him again this time around was to have at least an oncologist in my back pocket, so to speak, to stay on top of my bloodwork and scans.  Little did I know, God had greater plans than that for this visit.  We were at this appointment for 3 hours.  This man is amazing.  He once again got on the bandwagon of diet/nutrition and exercise. In the midst of all of this information, he spoke of many scriptures and stories in the Bible.  His bottom line with me is that my immune system is severely supressed.  He has referred me to a friend of his that is practicing at the Mary Crowley Research Center.  This friend/doctor has been working on a vaccine for cancer which is in a clinical trial phase.  The process involoves taking a piece of one of my tumors and developing a vaccine which would then be injected into my body.  The theory is as with any "disease or foreign substance" injected into the body is that the body's instant reaction is to start fighting it, hence, fighting the cancer.  He also recommends a very low dose of chemo.  He refers to it as a non-life altering dose (no hair loss, nausea, etc).  The combination of this along with dosing up on lots of supplements in addition to a 60-70% raw foods diet and daily exercise should get my system regenerated into fighting for a change.  I have to tell you that I have never once cried in front of my doctor's at any of my appointments in the last 3 years.  This one I did.  I could really feel God's presence and a total peace.  At the end of the appointment he stood up and hugged us and laid his hands over us and prayed for me.  He prayed not only for healing but he prayed for wisdom and discernment.  It was truly a wow moment for us.  We walked away feeling God's hand in that appointment and a total peace about the road ahead and finally a game plan that again we felt at peace about. 

The process now is for the Research Center to review my case and line me up with a case study and get me set up for an initial consultation.  We are hopeful that will be by Friday before we leave for our week long cruise.  I will go back and see my oncologist once I've had my initial consultation with the Research Center to start moving things along. 

I know that is a long answer to everyone's question as to the latest news but hopefully informative.  Prayers for continued wisdom and discernment as we continue down this path as well as a total healing would be greatly appreciated.  God's word tell us that if "two or more agree to together on this earth that it shall be given unto us."  In the mean time, we keep looking up as we know God continues to walk us through each and every step!  Thanks for hanging in there with me through this update and I can't wait to share more great news. 

Love and hugs to all of you!   


Christina said…
That is truly amazing, Stephanie. It was great to hear the update and we will continue to pray for your full healing.
Christina said…
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Krista said…
Steph-I know we haven't ever talked much before - I grew up with Kevin. I'm battling severe RA right now and getting ready to start chemo myself. I can't say that I know what you are going thru, but lately I've had a glimpse. I started last Monday watching this series by Andrew Womack on healing. It has been amazing! If you get a chance go to awmi.net and go to TV Broadcasts and then you can start with last Monday 4-5. Each segment is only about 25 min long. It has been a HUGE blessing to me - to see healing as God wants us to see it.
callyn said…
stephanie -- thanks so much for updating. i loved reading this & hearing from you! :) I'm so thankful for you and the Lord's mighty work in your life. You are so precious! :)