3/9/2010 Upate on Stephanie

I hope this blog comes to all readers at a time of peace and realized blessings! It has been several months since I have posted anything out here and I did briefly think of my New Year's promise to post more frequently. I'll work on it!

I wanted to give an update on Steph. If you haven't been in touch with us or followed us on Facebook, you may be a little out of the loop. So, here goes the crash course!

Stephanie finished up the first reconstruction surgery by getting the last of the drains removed. the healing process has been slow and there was one spot on her abdomen that stubbornly has not healed. She recently went in and had the doctor stitch it back up. that was about two weeks ago and she is still having some bleeding from that area. the good news came this morning in that Dr. Lemon wanted to wait another couple weeks before deciding to open her up to explore what might be going on. Steph really doesn't want to have another surgery if it can be avoided!

That appointment was followed up by going to have another PET scan. This is part of the routine process we will go through indefinitely. If you pray, please pray the outcome is full of good news which mean the results are free from suspicious spots.

That said, Stephanie did have another spot come up on her chest wall a few weeks back. It was tested and came back positive for cancer. The surgeon said he got it all but was concerned about other spots that might appear. Stephanie now has another spot just below the one biopsied. she has another meting with the surgeon tomorrow to discuss this. Prayers over this situation would be greatly appreciated as well!

One more little issue. Stephanie has another area under her skin on the other side of her chest that could be multiple things. we are pursuing options for this as well but the PET scan will prayerfully rule out one of those "might be's".

I will keep everyone posted. Blessing to you all!


callyn said…
thanks so much for posting ! :) i'm thankful to be able to keep up with stephanie via internet!!!