6:00pm Update

Surgery is complete and Dr. Lemmon said it went very well! Stephanie is in ICU, awake and dealing with a little nausea. Please pray that this goes away quickly!

She will be monitors closely for the next 48 hours to make sure the tissue is getting adequate blood flow and she is getting better. I will keep the blog updated but probably not as frequently as I have been today. I will shoot for 2-3 times per day.

Thanks for the prayers! Please keep them coming!!!


Brenda said…
good to hear she is out ok. Hopefully the nausea will subside. Did they give her something for it? I will be praying for a speedy recovery
Brenda said…
Please let her know I love her and hope she is feeling better in no time. I am hopefully going to be that way or somewhere in the area soon.
Roxanne Hunt said…
I'm so glad the surgery went so well. Thanks for all the updates:) my friends and family have been praying for yall today . Roxanne