
Showing posts from August, 2009

Chemo Treatment 17 of 18

Alright everyone, Stephanie is having her second to last treatment today. In general, we are excited to be nearing the end of this chapter in our story but there are a few things that temper our excitement...let me explain. One thing we now realize is that treating cancer is not "science". There is scientific evidence that abnormal cells in your body will die when exposed to certain chemicals or radiation. Doctors use this information to "design" a treatment program. The order of chemo, radiation and surgery varies from doctor to doctor and so does the dosage. Treatment is an art form, there is no doubt. Stephanie's current medical oncologist has suggested that she may recommend a continued chemo plan to remain in place indefinitely. She also wants Stephanie to get whatever remaining radiation she can to reach her lifetime maximum exposure. Reading between the lines, what does this say to you? What it says to us is the doctor is not sure if or when the cancer wi...