
Showing posts from January, 2009

Worthwhile Websites

Pandora - Internet Radio For those who can stream music at their job, at home or through your iPhone ! The best thing about this site is how it selects music for you. All you do is put in your favorite song or band and it will start playing music of similar kind. The quality is great by comparison with XM Radio 's online music. reQall - To Do List Pronounces like "recall", there are a few things that make this site great for your "to do" list. 1. Available on the iPhone and on their website and they stay in sync. 2. They have a buddy list so you can assign a to do item to your buddies. My example: I remember while at work that we are out of toothpaste. I can whip out my iPhone and speak or type, "Toothpaste - have Stephanie buy some today." (I can do this on the website too.) What then happens, reQall recognizes "buy" and puts the to do item in the "Shopping List" and also recognizes that I have Stephanie in my buddy list so it ...

Venturing out in 2009

Everyone has probably picked at least one New Year's resolution to break, right? Well, I am hear to tell all that my New Year's resolution is to be more active with blogging and do everything I can to not break it! In fact, I will be taking my blogging to another level. What is this new level you might ask...glad you did! Family updates was and is level 1 blogging. That won't change. The next level is nothing more than various posts of stuff and junk I find interesting. I will do my best to title and label these appropriately so that you only need to read what you find interesting or somewhat amusing. Stephanie's health issues of recent will always be labeled with "breast cancer" for example. So I hope you all enjoy the new "level 2" blogging! If you like an article, please leave a comment!