About half way through!


Anonymous said…
great picture. god bless all of you!
Anonymous said…
What an awesome, beautiful work of love you have accomplished Dolly!!!Your sweet love for your niece has inspired me - I want to join the "pink shirt gang" next year! You go girl!!! I love you and can't wait to hear all about it in person when you return. luv, ames
Anonymous said…
And one other comment.... To: Stephanie, Kevin and Levi: It is such a humble priviledge to pray for you guys. Stephanie, I am awed how God has touched my live through your courage and faith in Him throughout your health ordeal. I told Dolly how the emails from you she has forwarded has blessed me so much! I love how God speaks through yours and Kevin's writings on your emails and blog. Your faith in Him is so strong and evident! Please know your precious family is always in my prayers! luv, ames