The Lord is Good!

We just got word about 15 minutes ago that the pathology report has come back - 3 lymph nodes, all cancer free,  the tumor was 2.5 cm and all surrounding tissue was clear.

I don't have many more details than this yet but this is exactly the news we were praying for to keep Stephanie from having to go through chemotherapy again.

I hope it is not lost on anyone that we have an awesome God and He can do amazing things! He has given us what we can handle and we have the experiences to help others who find themselves in similar situations.

All the glory to God. We praise him continuously! Thanks to everyone who has spoken to Him on our behalf!


Good News! I am glad that it turned out well. Now for a rapid recovery and long, healthy life!

Uncle Bob
mistyac1024 said…
Praise the Lord! Prayers still for quick healing!!
Laura HC said…
Awesome Awesome Awesome!!! So happy to hear the news. Now, let's party!!!
(ok, when steph feels up to it!)
