1:15 pm Update on Steph

Steph is starting to feel better and has actually had a few bites of
her chicken sandwhich.

We are not yet sure when Steph will leave the hospital but tomorrow at
the earliest. We don't have a time yet and they may actually want to
have her stay Saturday night as well.

I want to really thank everyone so much for all the prayers and all
the outreach for help. It is overwhelming to see how many people
really care deeply for Stephanie. We are blessed more than I could
have imagined!

Steph is in room 216 on the second floor, Las Colinas Medical, at
Macarthur and 161. We look forward to seeing visitors!


mistyac1024 said…
So glad Steph is feeling better and hope you got some rest. The food will help if she can keep it down. Prayers keep coming your way!

Anonymous said…
Thank you for the update. I am so glad she is doing well. I will continue to lift you all up in prayer.