Email from Stephanie
Hello everyone! I wanted to take a bit of time to email each of you as it’s nearly impossible to reach everyone individually right now. I hope this email is not too impersonal but each of you truly mean so much to me. The reason I am writing today is to share with you some very recent news that requires nothing more than some prayer!
As a result of my battle with breast cancer last year, my breast surgeon has me alternate between a mammogram and MRI every 6 months. I had a mammogram this past March and just completed my MRI week before last. The MRI showed a small mass which I had biopsied last Friday. I got the results on Monday which showed it was once again invasive breast cancer in the same breast. I know this probably comes as a bit of a shock as it certainly took me by surprise. I always knew it would be a risk but never expected it to be this soon. I had already decided last year when I chose the lumpectomy route versus mastectomy that if the cancer ever returned, I would immediately have a mastectomy and be done with this cancer once and for all.
Things have moved very quickly this week. I met with my breast surgeon on Tuesday to discuss the mastectomy and today I met with a plastic surgeon to discuss the reconstruction process. You can’t begin to imagine the choices you have in the reconstruction process so Kevin and I have a few things to consider before making a final decision. In agreement with my breast surgeon, I would like to get this moving quickly so it is likely that we will proceed with surgery in the next couple of weeks. I will definitely have a bi-lateral mastectomy (meaning both breasts) and will have reconstruction started in that same surgery.
I know there are many questions so bare with me as I try to give a few more details. My prayer is that the cancer has once again remained local to the breast and not moved beyond to the lymph nodes. The day before surgery I will go to start the process for a “Sentinel Node Test” which essentially means a die is injected. During surgery my breast surgeon will perform a small incision under my arm and look for any lymph nodes that “light up” which could indicate cancer in the nodes. The nodes will then be sent to pathology to test for cancer. If the nodes are negative for cancer, then we are done with this thing and we can focus on the follow up surgeries as a part of the reconstruction process. If the nodes are positive then I go in for a PTScan to see if the cancer has spread to any other part of my body and we potentially face chemotherapy and radiation again. As you can imagine, my specific prayer that I’m lifting up is that there are no nodes involved and the cancer is local.
I spent a lot of time with my breast surgeon on Tuesday who is absolutely a SUPER doctor and has been really great through all of this. We talked in detail about my cancer and my risk for ovarian cancer given the fact that ovarian and breast cancer are so closely related. It is almost a definite that I will undergo a hysterectomy as well but that is something we will deal with down the road. Right now the main concern is the area of cancer and getting that taken care of first.
I want each of you to know that I am doing well and really at peace about this. I am ready to “fight” once again and claim total victory! God has truly blessed me in so many ways. God has blessed me with a great surgeon who has “run a tight ship” and really stayed on top of my progress. I also feel blessed that we caught this now instead of another 6-7 years down the road when I wouldn’t be under such a rigid schedule for follow ups and by then it could have been one of those “too late” stories. I feel blessed that it’s me and I’m not having to watch Levi go through some devastating disease.
I also have to keep a sense of humor through all of this (yes, I’m a believer that God has a sense of humor too!)! I will instantly lose 20 lbs so who could complain about that!!! I will also be having an insurance covered procedure done that women pay thousands of dollars for! You have to find the good in everything!!!!
Again, right now all we need is just prayer as I mentioned before! I appreciate each and every one of you. Kevin will start keeping the blog updated with the latest information (new developments, surgery date, etc) so…. “stay tuned and stay praying!”
Our prayers are with you!! You're an amazing person, and a very strong fighter/woman/friend! I also didn't know you had a blog, but I added you to my blog list!
Kimberly forwarded me your email and I noticed that you have a blog - I hope you don't mind! I'll definitely keep you in my prayers that everything goes smoothly and you will be lead to the right decisions for your situation quickly.
By the way, Levi is PRECIOUS!
~Christina Powell
Matt and Tina Tourney